Wheatless-ish Barley

Last night I was happily enjoying my crockpot chicken over lettuce, while my boyfriend was eating it over rice. I asked for a bite, because he had it over my favorite brown rice from Trader Joe’s, the one with lots of texture called “Brown Rice Medley”.  And of course once I had dodged the cheese he had added, I got a nice ricey, chickeny nummy bite!  I loved it. Then he asked “what are the little round kinda crunchy things.” I  wasn’t sure so I grabbed the package and much to my surprise it was barley.

Trader Joe’s ‘ Brown Rice Medley”

Ah barley, the much debated “can you eat it if you’re gluten free” question.  I have read many sites and what I’ve decided to believe is that, if you are a Celiac, it’s not a good idea. If you have gluten allergies (meaning you can have trace amounts without issue) then it’s usually all good. I’m allergic and have never had issues with barley.

The reason I have found that it does cause issues for Celiacs, is the same reason some doctors advise Celiacs not to travel to countries like Tibet (an allergy to a country because they grow so much wheat! I had never heard this before.)  The reason to avoid barley if you are sensitive to cross contamination is because barley and wheat are grown in the same fields and often processed in the same plants.  So the barley would most likely have trace amounts that could cause big upsets in a Celiacs system.

So that is my research for the day. I eat barley with no issue, but it’s one to be careful of and consider if you have a Celiac, or a super sensitive system to wheat.

2 responses to “Wheatless-ish Barley

  1. Thank you for being my at-least-one-thing-I-learn-everyday today!

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